This year Parks and Recreation did an excellent job using their guest stars like Kathryn Hahn and Paul Rudd who fit in perfectly with Leslie's election story line. Hahn was the bigger standout to me. Modern Family has been a major offender at times of not knowing how to use their guest stars properly but this season using Bobby Cannavale as Cam's clown friend was genius, and Ellen Barkin as Phill's rival in real estate was side splitting. Within the last couple of year's there have also been many nominees who played themselve in television shows like Kate Winslet and Ian McKellan in Extras. This year Michael J. Fox and Joan Rivers got major laughs with their perspective guest starring roles on Curb, and Louie. Fox was funny in playing against type or how we perceive him, while Joan was true to form, in coaching Louie in his career.
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series
Bobby Cannavale-Modern Family
Michael J. Fox-Curb Your Enthusiasm
John Goodman-Community
Justin Long-New Girl
Paul Rudd-Parks and Recreation
Louis C.K.-Parks and Recreation
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series
Becky Anny Baker-Girls
Ellen Barkin-Modern Family
Patricia Clarkson-Parks and Recreation
Kathryn Hahn-Parks and Recreation
Megan Mullally-Happy Endings
Joan Rivers-Louie
Direction in a comedy series helps the performers guide them on the way to making the audience laugh. Brilliant directors build on the shows writing, and actors to help put together moments we will never forget. Iconic television director James Burrows who has directed for Mary Tyler Moore Show, Rhoda, The Bob Newhart Show, Taxi, Cheers, Frasier, Friends, and Will & Grace is the best comedic director in television of all time. Burrows brought the cast of Friends together prior to their first episode to get the group to build a comradery, that was apparent on screen. Burrows did the same with all of his other shows, and helped define many sitcoms as massive hits, and classic television.
Today direction in a comedy has evolved because television comedies have evolved from the traditional sitcom. Shows like Curb, Louie, Veep, and Happy Endings prove television comedies are more sophisticated than they ever have been. Watching Brad's dance to the dentist chair in
"The St Valentine's Day Maxssacre" or the random way the dice can change events in Community's "Remedial Chaos Theory" prove that even more traditional shows have mastered a new art of bringing comedy into our living rooms. Welcome to the new age of comedic direction, and sample on this great list of brilliantly directed episodes.
Outstanding Directing in a Comedy Series
Curb Your Enthusiasm-The Palestinian Chicken-Robert B. Weide
Community-Remedial Chaos Theory-Jeff Melman
Girls-Welcome to Bushwick aka the Crackcident-Jody Lee Lipes
Happy Endings-The St Valentine's Day Maxssacre-Joe Russo
Louie-Duckling-Louis C.K.
Veep-Chung-Armando Iannucci
Writing is the key to comedic television, shows whose writing becomes sloppy, or forgets character and becomes too slapstick is much more apparent in comedy. Even in it's third year Community had some weak moments, but also had two of the funniest episodes of television with both "Remedial Chaos Theory" and the Law & Order spoof "Basic Lupine Urology." Community knows how to weave character development with witty/snarky humor that resonates throughout the shows episode, and all season long. This show is brilliantly written.
Outstanding Writing in a Comedy Series
Community-Remedial Chaos Theory-Chris McKenna
Community-Basic Lupine Urology-Megan Ganz
Girls-Pilot-Lena Dunham
Modern Family-Little Bo Bleep-Cindy Chupack
Parks and Recreation-The Debate-Amy Poehler
Veep-Chung-Sean Gray & Armando Iannucci & Will Smith
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