Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dream Emmy Ballot 2014: Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series

Andre Braugher as Captain Ray Holt in Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Sometimes the funniest person on your show isn't the loudest person, but rather the person who can deliver a line with sincerity and no emotional range.  Braugher does this weekly on Brooklyn Nine-Nine.  In the past past Braugher has mainly been known as a strong dramatic actor, Homicide: Life on the Streets, Men of Certain Age, Gideon's Crossing, to name a few, who knew he was so funny.  Braugher seems effortless in this role, his dead pan delivery is on point.  I will say my favorite moment is where Gina gets addicted to a cell phone game because you start to see that exterior crack, and its wonderful.

Best Captain Ray Holt Quote "Jake: It's the most fun day of the year, something you wouldn't understand because you're not programmed to feel joy.
                               Holt: Yes, but my software is due for an exuberance upgrade.

Danny Puddi as Abed Nadir in Community

Sadly there will be no six seasons and a movie.  Over the five seasons of Community it was fun to see Abed "grow."  While the show centers around Jeff and this is truly an ensemble, it has been Abed's pop culture references, and inability to show his emotions that made this show, thanks in large part to Puddi.  I never imagined Community would make me cry, but when Abed said goodbye to Troy, it was an emotional moment. When your best friend moves away its tough, and this is the most emotional Abed has ever been, without being too emotional.  Abed is the heart and soul of this show, and Dan Harmon brought this back.

Best Abed Nadir Quote "Take it from an expert in delusion: If Jeff is hallucinating something this cool, something's wrong. He needs to get back."

Timothy Simmons as Jonah Ryan in Veep

Joan owned parts of this season, and not in a good way.  Jonah went from on top, to running his own archist blog to back on top, and back to bottom.  Timothy Simmons plays Jonah to perfection you hate the guy because he represents everything negative about certain DC guy; he tries too hard without believing in anything or knowing what he wants to gain from anything.  Jonah is the antithesis of Dan, played by the brilliant Reid Scott.  Simmon's is great as Jonah, he almost make, almost makes you want to pity him, but you can't because he is Jonah.  Simmons is fantastic is this role, and there was no funnier supporting guy than him this season, and its thanks to Simmons just letting it all hang out.

Best Jonah Ryan Quote: "Buy yourself a gun, mom, because America's gonna have to shoot its way out of this." (In reference to Selena as President)

Albert Tsai as Bert Harrison in Trophy Wife

I have never seen a child performer do so much with a role, and make laugh more than Albert Tsai as Bert.  From Bert Wheels to his brutal honest about everyday life like catching Kate, and his dad watching Magic Mike, and asking why those men were not wearing pants.  Bert is simply the best and Tsai is probably the most talented child actor I have seen ever on television.  While you know Bert is a young kid Tsai holds his own among the likes of Oscar and Emmy winners, which is an impressive feat.  Bert was probably one of the funniest characters on television this past year.

Best Bert Harrison Quote "This week is about the birth of Jesus, 8 days of oil, achieving enlightenment, and black people being awesome."

James Wolk as Zach Cropper in The Crazy Ones

Pretty does not hurt here.  It's hard to imagine someone being able to go toe to toe, or even keep up with Robin Williams, but James Wolk was able to play his foil better than most.  Wolk uses his charm, and good looks to help make Zach irresistible, but it was at a Bar Mitsvah where he runs into an ex and falls apart that you finally see his vulnerable side, and it made his character even better.  Wolk is one of the most talented actors working today, I just need one of his shows to not get cancelled, because he sells it!

Best Zach Cropper Quote "Don't mock them just because they're beautiful"

Parker Young as Private Randy Hill in Enlisted

Parker Young is more than charming as Randy in Enlisted, he was probably the most endearing television character this past year.  Randy is youngest of three brothers, and is the opposite of everything you think of when you think Army, yet he portrayal gives some new perspective.  A more well rounded soldier with heart.  My favorite episode with him involved him trying to connect a son with his father who overseas, there was such warmth, and a genuine care portrayed through his character.  Randy is also that stereotypical goofball youngest brother, and Young is fantastic in this role.

Best Private Randy Hill Quote: "I grew up with brothers. I learned to keep my enemies close, but my snacks closer."

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