Tuesday, April 29, 2014

May Movies to See and Skip!

In looking back at April, the obvious winner of the the month was Captain America: Winter Solider.  The film is still performing great at the box office, and was one of the best films in the Marvel franchise.  If you have not seen it, go now, leave work.  Worth it!

The other big celebrity of the month was God, but unlike Stan Lee he does not make cameos in films centered around his stories. God's Not Dead, which is a hold over from March did quite well in April, and has earned 52 million.  Noah has performed better, internationally, but made 97 million domestic, and Heaven is for Real has also made 52 million and climbing.  There are more films centered on biblical allegories still to be released this year it will be interesting to see how this pattern effects the box office, and films released.

Rio 2 was the highest grossing animated film of the year, and will top 100 million this weekend.  Animated films still prove to a cheap way for studios to make money, and boy are they milking the franchise model, maybe more than the comic book films.

I would argue the last, "big success" was The Other Woman, which has only been open one weekend and made 24 million, topping films that have been out all month like Draft Day, and Transcendance, the two biggest failures of the month.  Johnny Depp is looking more and more like box office poison, sad.  Now onto the beginning of the "Summer" box office blockbuster season.

May 2nd

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

I am torn on the way I feel  about this film.  The marketing strategy is aggressive, maybe too aggressive like someone clinging to a failing relationship.  Reviews are mixed to poor,  but not too far from the first in the reboot.  I liked the first one, well shot, good chemistry between the leads.  I am most fearful of too many villains, did they learn nothing from Spider-Man 3?


Saw the trailer before Under the Skin, and while the story looked been there done that, I think the performances seemed solid.  FOX Searchlight thinks this has Oscar potential, maybe in Costumes, but this could be an interesting film, does not look "must see" to me.

(The Amazing Spider-Man 2)

May 9th 


I am going to see this tomorrow, and chose to see a screening of this over Spider-Man, this is one of my most anticipated films of the month, the marketing has been great, the reviews solid.  Rogen, and Effron are a great juxtaposition.  One of my must-see movies of the month.


The film looks fun, Jon Favreau comes back to direct/write for some of his Iron Man cast, while making something that looks clever, taking on the evolution of an industry.  Not at the top of my list, but looks solid.

Legends of Oz: Dorothy of Oz

Shaking my head, they sure are milking the brand of this classic, and this animated film looks worse than one with Mila Kunis, and that is saying a lot!


May 16th 


This looks just fantastic, and is my top three for "must see" of the month, with Bryan Cranston, and a story that takes the action to the next level.  Could revitalize, and modernize this story too.

Million Dollar Arm

This could be John Hamm's first big hit on film, Disney is behind this film, which could help.  This is also no surprise that Disney is behind this film, it comes across as imperialistic, the white man shows Indians how to play a real sport.  I may be a bit sensitive on this matter, but I am tired of films like this, where the white man saves the day.  Am I wrong?  The trailer rubs me the wrong way.


May 23rd 

X-Men: Days of Future Past 

I have been looking forward to this film since this was announced.  As a comic book fan this story is gold, and the trailers have looked fantastic.  Blending the original and new cast was a great way for Singer and FOX to take this franchise and move forward.  After Disney, they have the second best plan for this.  Looks great.


Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore meet again, in something that looks on par with Jack and Jill, is Sandler allergic to growing up, and making films that work on a comedic level today?

(X-Men: Days of Future Past)

May 30th 


I have to say this reminds me of Snow White and the Huntsman, Angelina will probably be great, but the visuals look too CGI-centric for their own good.  I love the way she has done the laugh, but Angie you in danger girl.  This will do well at the box office, but I can't help but thinking this is another time where re-imagined fairy tales try to hard to be action films.

A Million Ways to Die in the West 

MacFarlene, the actual man steps in front of the camera, in live action form for the first time.  The first time I saw the trailer I cringed, but with his typical brand of humor I think he will have another hit on his hands, especially with the cast he has.  Wow May is a busy month!

(A Million Ways to Die in the West)

Must See of the Month: X-Men: Days of Future Past, Neighbors, Godzilla (in that order)
Must Skip of the Month: Blended, Legends of Oz: Dorothy Returns, Million Dollar Arm (in that order)

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