Thursday, April 3, 2014

April Movies to See and Skip!

Well March proved stronger than January and February combined.  Who were the stars of March?  I would say the biggest star of the month was The Grand Budapest Hotel.  While Hotel has only made 25 million domestic, the films per theatre earnings are off the charts some of the best, and in the end the film could make as much as 50 million domestic.  The other star of the month is the Bible, Noah did solid work all over the world, and God's Not Dead has also done well.

The losers of the month are 300: Rise of an Empire, the Muppets, and Tyler Perry.  After a 7 year hiatus 300: Rise of an Empire earned half of the the original film.  Empire is a loser in my book, but it did earn over 100 million, and while some will cal that a win, I can't.  The Muppets film had great marketing, great stars, but has barely done good business.  Tyler Perry's brand is on a steep decline, you used to be able to bank on his films doing even 50 million, but not 15 million.

How does April look, well it starts out with a Phase II Marvel film, but the rest of the month is a bit weak.

April 4th 

Captain America: The Winter Solider

Saw it last night, great film, the best in Marvel Phase two, action packed, entertaining.  I will be seeing this in theatres again! My review below:

Under the Skin 

Johansson has two films out this week, and while this one is getting some mixed words, it looks solid, and is a film I am going to check after I see Captain America (again).  The sci-fi nature always brings out some cool story telling, and this has a neat plot about humanity.

Dom Hemingway

Remember when Jude Law had a promising career, those days seem to be gone, this film looks overwrought and bloated.  Time for him to get a better agent.

Alan Partridge

Steve Coogan is hilarious, and Alan the man looks like a loathsome jerk, the typical modern television radio personality.  This movie looks hilarious.

(Winter Solider trailer)

April 11th 

Draft Day

Kevin Costner in a sports movie, is typically a good combination, maybe minus Tin Cup.  I think with Ivan Reitman at the helm this has the possibility to be a good film.

Rio 2

Did not see the first can't say I care to see the second, these generaic animated films fill vacuum for families to go see movies, but is this worth it? No. 


Looks scary, clever, and like a new horror franchise, if marketed well.  The premise is clever, and while horror films are not my thing, I would say this looks like one of the better gimicky horror films.

Only Lovers Left Alive 

Jim Jarmusch is a master story teller; he hits most of his films out of the park, it will be interesting to see his latest entry which blends love and vampires, a little different for him.  This has potential.

The Railway Man

The acting, and thought beyond this film is said to be great, but there is not much else there.  This film was meant to be released last year, and while a delayed release does not always mean bad things, I hate to say that it may be the nail in the coffin for this film.

(Draft Day trailer)

April 18th 


I can't say I have ever seen no buzz for such a big film on  Transcendence is the directorial debut of Wally Pfister the man who does all the cinematography for Christopher Nolan films.  I must say whoever cut the trailer did an awful job because before it was released I was ready to go, now I just do not think it looks good.

A Haunted House Two 

Yes there is a sequel....moving on.

(Transcendence trailer)

April 25th 

The Other Woman

When I first saw the trailer to this movie, which seems to be about sleeping with younger and younger women my thought was aren't Leslie Mann and Cameron Diaz the same age?  They are in fact, while this does not destroy the plot of the movie, this just looks silly.

Must See of the Month: Captain America: Winter Soldier
Runner Up: Under the Skin 
Must Skip of the Month: A Haunted House 2
Runner Up: The Other Woman

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