Thursday, January 2, 2014

Movies to See and Skip January 2014

December was a big month, although the holiday box office was not as big as last year.  I think the reason for that is because of a larger number of quality releases.  While December was full of strong releases January proves to be stale, and full of left overs that did not quite make enough impact to be released in 2013.  This is how I save money.

January 3rd

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones 

These films are usually October releases, but bucking the trend this film about different people is set to open tomorrow.  There is apparently a large Spanish speaking audience for these film so they cast a mainly Hispanic/Latino cast, good call, but with so many left overs from the holidays this will and should get lost in the shuffle.

Skip of the Week: Activitiy is the only film released, so by process of elimination.... see something opening nationwide from limited or a film you missed from the holidays.

January 10th

The Legend of Hercules

A person I know told me the winter storm in the Northeast was changed to Hercules, could the studio have paid for some winter marketing.  Probably not, but I would not put it past a studio.  I think this film was will have a modest opening, but is another skip for the month.

Skip of the Week:  Hercules! Another film which start with Her, entitled well Her, opens nationwide go see that! 

January 17th 

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

The Tom Clancy franchise made a smart move going to January, there is a built in fan base of the Jack Ryan character, it stars Chris Pine (Star Trek), and looks like one of the only quality releases of the month.  Kenneth Brannagh is directing, and I thought he did a great job with Thor so this could be solid.

Ride Along

What can I say about Kevin Hart's early film career?  With Grudge Match and some less than stellar comedies at least this looks like it fits in with the bunch.  This may be an early 2014 Razzie contender.

The Nut Job

Not sure I like the title, but animated films like this have not been as successful.  Parents aren't willing to shell out money for middle of the road films.

See it in January!: Jack Ryan looks just fun enough to get me through January

Skip of the Month: Ride Along looks the worst this month, just does not look funny.

January 24th 

I, Frankenstein

Underworld meets Frankenstein, this could be fun.  Not sure I buy Aaron Eckheart as a leading man/action hero. (Red Box)

January 31st

Labor Day

Jason Reitman (Juno, Up in the Air) is getting his first set on bad reviews in his career.  The film is a drastic tone shift from his other films.  While I have heard some good things, as he is maturing in his direction, I have also have heard the film is a bit implausible. 

That Awkward Moment

This looks like the best film this month, with Michael B. Jordan and Miles Teller the rising stars, and Zac Effron along for the ride, this could help his career a lot.  I think this looks worth the time to laugh in the movie theatre, if you aren't laughing at all the other bad movies from this month.

Must See of the Month: That Awkward Moment.

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