Thursday, November 28, 2013

My Thanksgiving List for Movies, Television, and Music (2013)

There are obvious things I am thankful for, like friends, family, and the lot.  There are also things I am thankful in the world of movies, music, television, and beyond, which I would like to share with you as well.  So here we go!


More Diversity on the Big Screen!

Sandra Bullock carried a 250 million dollar film, basically by herself this year with Gravity. I can't remember a female ever doing that on her own throughout the years I have watched film.

Then this has also been a great year for black cinema with Fruitvale Station, Lee Daniels' The Butler, 12 Years a Slave, The Best Man Holiday, and black Nativity.

This has been inspiring, and I am beyond thankful studios have finally realized the power in exploring diverse stories.

Better Adult Dramas

The quality of films this year is astonishing, I have seen so many great "adult dramas"ranging from Captain Phillips to Dallas Buyers Club, and more.  Adults stopped going to the movies, but they stopped because studios seemed to forget about them as a group.  Big surprise movies "adults" would see with an R rating are succeeding again, and studios are creating more and more, bravo!


Better new Fall comedies and dramas

Sleepy Hollow, Brooklyn-99, The Crazy Ones, Trophy Wife The Blacklist are just a few.  These are great shows, and its been a while since network television  has produced such fun creative new television in this large of a number.

The Good Wife

Week after week this show astonishes me with the writing, directing, acting, and beyond.  The show is in its fifth season, and has never faltered (well maybe with Kalinda's husband).  This year a game changing event has made this must see television and is the smartest television show on the air.

Breaking Bad 

The best show on the air, is closely followed by the best show, which just ended its run, and that's Breaking Bad.  Vince Gilligan and co. created a true arc, a series, which had a beginning middle, and end which felt connected like he knew what was going on the whole time.  Who does that when they create a series?  Intelligent people have a plan.  Bad's cast was just perfect, this was one of, if not the best final seasons of a show ever.


Justin Timberlake

I am beyond happy he returned to music; he is the most talented performer/musicians in the mainstream at the moment, and he knows how to create an "Experience."  Loved both albums just wish I got to see him live with Jay-Z.

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