Wednesday, October 30, 2013

November Movies to See and Skip!

October was dominated by Gravity, and Captain Phillips two films which prove adults still do go the movies.  At the moment I would argue Gravity will probably hit 250 million (it just broke 200 million yesterday), and Captain Phillips will top the 100 million mark (it sits at 72 million at the moment).  These two films got glowing reviews, and are also poised for Oscar attention.  12 Years a Slave which is currently only open in 123 theatres, yes just 123, made 1 million dollars this past weekend, and that brings the films total to 3 million in a very limited release, which is good news.  Ironically in a typically spooky month, the only true "horror" release, well re-release was Carrie, and that has not been able to muster enough attention.  I am simply amazed by the box office results for "adult" themed films within the last couple years.  This month is proof that is on the upswing.

October may be my favorite month in recent years because it does not try as hard as November and December do to replicate summer movie season in the fall/winter.  This November is no different, and here is what's on deck:

November 1st 

Ender's Game has been hit with some controversy when the book's author, who wrote about compassion stopped providing that with anti-gay rants.  I would argue the marketing for this film has failed, and this could be another flop, but it looks entertaining.

Last Vegas is capitalizing on the backs of five Oscar winners, the film looks like it was fun for them to make, but does not look equally fun enough for me to sit through an end life crisis for these actors.

Hey Free Birds, does humanizing turkeys work during the month where people eat them the most?  Good thing this is starting out the month.  This looks weak.

The About Time preview almost gave me a cavity.  I feel like marketing this as from the person who brought about Love Actually may help slightly, but you can't capture lightening in bottle twice.

 McConaughey has been on a roll, and Dallas Buyer's Club proves to be a major feather in his cap, namely as a possibility for providing him with his first Oscar nomination, and even a Best Picture nomination.  This looks like a great film.

Sorry Princess Diana, but the Lifetime movie looked like it had more care placed on the subject matter of your life than this film.

Must See of the Week: Dallas Buyers Club
Skip of the Week/Month: Diana/Last Vegas

November 8th 

There are mixed emotions about the original film Thor, it should have focused more on the myth etc,. Thor: Dark World looks like it has balanced this out, and once again could be a perfect blend of the humor and action you expect from a Marvel comic book film.

I think The Book Thief is that period drama of the month, with Downton Abbey writer Brian Percival.

Must See of the Week: Thor: Dark World

November 15th 

The Best Man Holiday looks fun, but another sequel?  I loved the first, I will probably wait for this one on DVD.

November 22nd 

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, I honestly hate that film studios think people are dumb, and do not realize when something is sequel that they have to put Twilight: (insert title).  With that said the first was great I have no doubt this film will be fun too.

Hey what happened to Vince Vaughn? Vaughn had so much potential but between November's Delivery Man, and June's The Internship, what can this man do to save his comedic career?

Nebraska from acclaimed director Alexander Payne is my must-see of the month.  Payne brough about great films like Election, About Schmidt, Sideways, and The Descendants, and this film looks to be one of his better films.

Must See of the Month: Nebraska
Must See of the Week: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

November 29th 

Frozen is being touted as one of the best non-Pixar, major studio animated films in a long time.  I may have an argument or two about this, but this could be a fun film.

Spike Lee worked hard to fund his project Oldboy, and while I am not sure this is the right release time for the film, I wish success for this project.

I saw the first preview for Black Nativity in front of 12 Years a Slave, do not get me started on the way in which studios market films with an all black cast.  Hudson is a great singer, the cast is solid, and this is based on Langston Hughes material.  This has potential.

Must See of the Week: Frozen

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