Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Movies to See and Skip

April got better!  I saw two brand new April releases, well on release and one re-release, Oblivion and Jurassic Park 3-D (both worth it).  Place Beyond the Pines, and 42 are on my list to see as well.  Overall April showed a turnaround within the quality of film.  Now onto the the explosions and beautiful films which get tucked into the summer months to save audiences from the loud noises.  The cool thing about this month is that none of the films look simply unwatchable (except maybe one).

May 3rd
Iron Man 3

May the "Summer" movie season starts out with a bang.  Iron Man 3 is the perfect movie to start off this season.   At the moment reviews are favorable, and the film looks to be better than the sequel (thank God).

May 10th
The Great Gatsby

I think Gatsby is going to be a flop, based on Lurhman's hit or miss track record, this just looks so messy, and all over the place.  This is just a judgement from the trailer.  I think it looks cool and DiCaprio is a great choice, but I am concerned about it being all style and no substance.  Remember Australia?

Peeples looks harmless, I am excited to see Craig Robinson getting more work he is a very funny guy, but I will not be seeing this.

May 17th
Star Trek: Into Dark Darkness 
Frances Ha

What a weekend!  Stark Trek looks incredibly awesome, and action packed.  Early reviews are not as glowing as the first, but that film is great and funny.

Frances Ha combines the incredibly talented Gretta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach.  Baumbach wrote the film with Gerwig, and just based on the trailer I am there!

(Frances Ha Trailer)

May 24th
Fast & Furious 6 
The Hangover Part III
Before Midnight

This is the most crowded weekend in May, with most of the other weekends having only one major film, this one has three.  The interesting question is which film ends up on top of the box office, my money is on Furious.

Furious 5 was supposed to be pretty good (I only saw the first).  This franchise is like a mini series on the big screen, bringing characters back to tell a continuing story, which is rarely done, and kind of fun.  No interest here.

Epic will please the families, but this looks just bad.  This movie has been made before it was called Ferngully.

The Hangover II was one of the worst films I have seen (EVER).  This film is changing the formula, but looks just as terrible as the second.  I did not pay for the second and I will not pay for this.

The film I am most excited about is the third in a series, Before Midnight.  This film started with Sunrise, then Sunset, now Midnight.  Sounds stupid, but these are the best films about a couples relationship, and their development.  So well written (see the trailer below).

May 31st
After Earth
Now You See Me
Kings of Summer 

With so many movies out towards the end of May, I have an odd feeling that this weeks movies will suffer a lot, and get lost in the shuffle.

Except for After Earth, Will Smith has sort of magnetism with the box office, although MIB III did not do that great.  Now You See Me, could be interesting with the cast, but I think I will disapear in the magicians wardrobe.

Kings of Summer is the film I want to see most, this looks like one of those great find yourself or "coming of age film" that is always needed for Summer.

See: Iron Man 3, Star Trek: Into Darkness, Frances Ha, Before Midnight
Skip: The Hangover III, Now You See Me 

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