Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day: Honoring My Mother and the Television Greats!

Today is Mother's Day, and well to be honest its a day I do not believe in, I do not believe in Father's Day either.  My personal opinion is you should love and cherish your parents all the time, I feel the same way about Valetine's Day.

While these are feelings I have its important to honor and show the appreciation you have for the people you love.  My mother has recently be going through something medically, and I think for me it put a lot of life into perspective.  Things that once bothered me do not as much, and there is a renewed sense of hope eternal.  At this point things are going very well for her, and she is lucky; she has a lot of people on her side.

Growing up, whether she was tough on me or not she was always on my side; she always stood up for me, whether I was being picked on for my height or being different, when I was changing my major, and even when I graduated with my masters.  My mother has been on my side in the good and the bad, and I appreciate her so much.  What makes a good mom is someone who is just there for you when you them, they yell, the scream, the laugh, and the eventually drink with you.  These are the moments you cherish.

What then in turn makes a good television mom?  From Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball) to Claire Dunphy (Julie Bowen) good television moms faces may change but they maintain the same basic characteristics.

Whether Samantha Stevens (Bewitched) wiggled her nose or not, she did right by her two children raising them to be good honest witches and warlocks. Edith Bunker (All in the Family) may have been a dingbat, but she loved Gloria and was there for in the best times, getting married to the Meathead, and in the worst times, when the Meathead left her. Claire Huxtable (The Cosby Show) was one tough lady, but her compassion for knowing her children and working to get them succeed was unmatched.  Claire never let her status as a lawyer determine what her children should; she let them be themselves.  Marge Simpson has three kids all different, but she loves them equally, from Lisa's saxophone lessons, and Bart's trouble making.  Marge is a constant source of support for her family.  Lauren Graham's Lorelai Gilmore may be one of the more unconventional role models, she got pregnant at 16, but in the end she was her daughters best friend, and helped her daughter Rory get through every first while letting her make mistakes (getting arrested).  Lorelai is an example on of the most perfect moms to me.  Then all the way to Julie Bowen's (Modern Family) Claire Dunphy who represents a blend of the old school stay at home mom with a modern twist.

There is something so cool to see that these are only a few of the great moms throughout television history, and they represent so many different aspects of life.  Spend some quality time with your mother today, whether that be in person, on the phone, or via Skype, share some good memories, laughs, and enjoy the person who helped make you who you are today!

1 comment:

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