Thursday, May 9, 2013

Celebrating The Office Part One: Michael Gary Scott

At the beginning there was Michael Scott, and it was good!  When The Office started back in 2005 Steve Carell was the first boss at the then Dunder Miflin Paper Company.  After seven seasons (137 episodes) Steve Carell said goodbye to his work team/family, and stepped down from boss role.  After sevens seasons of "That's what she said," bad relationships, Dundies, and awkward moments he left, but there are so many great moments, and they honest can't be summed up with words.  Steve Carell's Michael Scott is one of the most memorable characters in television history, and his character has been missed on The Office, here are some of the best quotes, to start off a great tribute week.
Best Michael Scott Quotes

"I am downloading some NP3 music"

"The worst thing about prison was the Dementors"-from 

"You know what they say fool me once strike one, but fool me twice...strike three"

"The suddenly she's not yo ho no mo"

"You don't know me, you've just seen my penis"

"You cannot take the hilarious black guy from the office"

"That has an oaky afterbirth"

"Corporate has made it my responsibility today to put an end to 10,000 years of being weirded out by gays."

These are obviously just a few of the great Michael Scott quotes from seven years.  Carell's send off arc as Michael Scott was one of the best stroy lines I have ever seen within a comedy series.  Part of me wishes the show ended there, namely because i hated Andy as the next boss, but I am excited to see how everything wraps up, especially with a Dwight and Angela wedding, and with Michael Scott returning?  Below is a montage of the best moments with Michael Scott.

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