Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Magic of Steven Spielberg

Back in June 2011 (almost two years ago now) I wrote a post entitled "Does Produced by Steven Spielberg Mean Anything Anymore?"  I stand by my thoughts within this that Spielberg is losing his producer mojo, but there is also something impressive and magical about his legacy.

Last night I finally saw Jurassic Park 3-D, and as my friends and I were walking to the theatre two of us realized we never saw Jurassic Park the first time it was released.  Getting to see this film in the theatres was one of most fun experiences, from the intensity of the T-Rex stomp, to the velociraptor cornering the two children in the kitchen.  Even though I had seen this film a couple of times the score combined with that Spielberg brilliance made reminded me that even though this man is respected his genius is often taken for granted.

Spielberg has brought so many great films (and some duds Hook, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, 1941, War Horse, War of the Worlds) but beyond these rare miss steps he has created some of the best and most memorable film experiences of the last almost 40 years.  From needing a bigger boat in Jaws (1975) to alien encounters with Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) and E.T. the Extra Terrestrial (1982).  Spielberg has shared numerous adventures with Indiana Jones, but nothing more magical than Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981).  Spielberg has also focused on the more serious and historical like Schindler's List (1993), stormed the beach of Normandy in Saving Private Ryan (1998), and gave a glimpse into the final months of President Lincoln in well Lincoln (2012).

After listening to Sasha Stone's podcast on the 1975 Oscars and Jaws, and watching Jurassic Park last evening I have to agree with her that there is something incredible about a Spielberg film.  Spielberg makes you love the movie experience, and knows how to capture lightening in a bottle for the consumption of all movie goers.  From film snobs to average attendees who go for the escape, or the various combinations.  From the moments you hear the John Williams score, you instantly become sucked into a different world.  Spielberg has done a lot to advance film making, and if you look at his directing legacy (so far) you have to sit back and ponder just how one man created so many classic films.

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