Monday, April 15, 2013

A Tribute to Boston and it's Great Relevance in History and Popular Culture

I am not one to manipulate to emotional capacity of one event, but as a resident of Boston it is hard to
ignore how much of an impact today's event had on me, my friends, the residents of of Boston, marathon runners, and many many more.  Today something happened in Boston, which has yet to be defined, but more specifically two bombs went off, people have passed away, and come out injured.  Yet the thing to remember is the beauty and resilience of this city.

I have never been a huge fan of Boston, partially because I am a New Yorker at heart, and it always feels as though the New Yorker in me battles it out with being a Bostonian.  Most of these rivalries come from the Yankees versus Red Sox, Celtics versus Knicks, Patriots versus Jets type rivalries.  Yet beyond the realm of sports rivalries and differences Boston is one great city with loads of spirit, and is a force to reckoned with maybe second to New York City.

Boston has such great relevance in the history of our country.  From the birth of many fore fathers, to the beginning of the fight of "no taxation without representation," the Boston Tea Part, all the way to Fenway Park, the Prudential Center, and of course Patriots Day/Marathon Monday.  The city of Boston represents the birthplace of the spirit with which this country has been founded.

Then of course as related to this blog there are great television shows, and films which have been set in this city like Cheers, The Practice, Fringe, St. Elsewhere, Good Will Hunting, The Town, The Departed, The Social Network and many more.  There are also numerous celebrities and famous folks born within this city ranging from the historical like John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Samuel Adams,  Calvin Coolidge, to the celebrities like Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Mindy Kailing, and so many more.

Boston is home to lots of famous events, and famous people past and present, but the most important part is the people who make up the city, and the way they interact to make this such a special place.  Boston is an amazing place, and it will rise above the latest tragedy, and remain strong as we come together as one.

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