Sunday, February 17, 2013

Oscar Round 2012:ACE Eddies (Editors Guild Award) go to Argo, Silver Linings Playbook, Brave, Breaking Bad, The Newsroom, and Nurse Jack

ACE Eddie Awards Oscars Academy Awards Argo Silver Linings Playbook newsIn the final build up leading up to the Oscar ceremony there are a few Guilds left to help try and shed some light on who will win at the Oscars.  The American Cinema Editors (ACE) Eddies award is give out awards to the best in, you guessed it, editing in film in television.  The guild breaks down the film category into four categories drama, comedy/musical, animated feature, and documentary feature.

Last night's nominees were:

Best Edited Feature Film (Dramatic):

  • Argo, William Goldenberg, A.C.E.
  • Life of Pi, Tim Squyres, A.C.E.
  • Lincoln, Michael Kahn, A.C.E.
  • Skyfall, Stuart Baird, A.C.E.
  • Zero Dark Thirty, Dylan Tichenor, A.C.E. and William Goldenberg, A.C.E.
(Comedy Musical, Documentary and Animated cats after the cut)
Best Edited Feature Film (Comedy or Musical)
  • The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, Chris Gill
  • Les MisĂ©rables, Melanie Ann Oliver & Chris Dickens, A.C.E.
  • Moonrise Kingdom, Andrew Weisblum, A.C.E.
  • Silver Linings Playbook, Jay Cassidy, A.C.E. & Crispin Struthers
  • Ted, Jeff Freeman, A.C.E.
Best Edited Animated Feature Film
  • Brave, Nicolas C. Smith, A.C.E.
  • Frankenweenie, 
Chris Lebenzon, A.C.E. & Mark Solomon
  • Rise of the Guardians, 
Joyce Arrastia
  • Wreck-It Ralph, Tim Mertens
Best Edited Documentary Feature
  • Samsara, Ron Fricke & Mark Magidson
  • Searching for Sugar Man
. Malik Bendjelloul
  • West of Memphis, Billy McMillin

The winners were Argo, Silver Linings Playbook, Brave, and Searching for Sugar Man.  The next question does this help in predicting, or guessing what will happen next at the Oscars?  The answer unfortunately is not really. 

As we get closer to the Oscars one thing is certain the buzz around both the winners tonight is mounting, and these two films just may take home a good amount of the major awards.
In the feature film category both Argo, and Silver Linings Playbook were easily predicted winners here.   Argo will most likely win the editing award at the Academy Awards, Zero Dark Thirty was a threat at one point, but Argo's journey to Best Picture is preventing that win.  One thing is for certain you may end up hearing "And the Oscar goes to....Argo" or "And the Oscar goes to...Silver Linings Playbook" a lot on February 24th.  One of the other interesting elements are the constant standing ovations for Spielberg as he takes the stage.  Spielberg won film editor of the year last night.  Could Lincoln pull of the same achievement Braveheart did in 1995?

The next interesting category is Best Animated Feature, and while many folks are saying this award is up in the air, which there are many possibilities (except Pirates, and ParaNorman).  The race for this award seems to be between Brave, Wreck-It Ralph, and Frankenweenie.  I think Brave has a bigger lock on this than people are predicting, at the moment I think Wreck-It Ralph as the best odds, yet Brave keeps winning.  At the moment I am going to stick with my gut and say Brave wins.

In another world where no one is concerned with the Oscars....the television winners were as follows:

Best Edited Half-Hour Series for Television
"Nurse Jackie" - "Handle Your Scandal"
Gary Levy
Best Edited One-Hour Series for Commercial Television
"Breaking Bad" - "Gliding Over All”
Skip MacDonald, A.C.E.
Best Edited One-Hour Series for Non-Commercial Television
"The Newsroom" - "We Just Decided To (Pilot)"
Anne McCabe, A.C.E.
Best Edited Miniseries or Motion Picture for Television
"Hemingway & Gellhorn"
Walter Murch, A.C.E.
Best Edited Non-Scripted Series
"Frozen Planet" - "To the Ends of the Earth"
Andy Netley & Sharon Gillooly

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