Saturday, January 26, 2013

Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Television Predictions

Best Performance by a Drama Ensemble
Boardwalk Empire
Breaking Bad
Downton Abbey
Mad Men

Homeland has the acting categories locked up, but this is a true horse race between Downton Abbey and Homeland.  Over the past few years this has been seen as "the best show" award.  If these awards want to separate themselves from other award shows then they will pick Downton, but my thought is they will follow the trend and go with Homeland.  To be honest I am torn, but my gut says Homeland.

Will Win: Homeland
Spoiler: Downton Abbey
Should Win: Breaking Bad

Best Performance by an Male Actor in a Drama Series
Steve Buscemi-Boardwalk Empire
Bryan Cranston-Breaking Bad
Jeff Daniels-The Newsroom
John Hamm-Mad Men
Damien Lewis-Homeland

Lewis has won both the Emmy and the Globe there is no stopping his triple crown victory this year with a win at SAG.  Bryan Cranston is always a spoiler.

Will Win and Should Win: Damien Lewis-Homeland

Best Performance by an Female Actor in a Drama Series
Claire Danes-Homeland
Michelle Dockery-Downton Abbey
Jessica Lange-American Horror Story: Asylum
Julianna Marguilles-The Good Wife
Maggie Smith-Downton Abbey

Homeland is a favorite and look for Danes to topple the two legends in this category, but never underestimate a Dame.  Maggie Smith has won numerous awards for this character.  Lange has a shot too, but Horror story did not get much support from this award show.

Will Win and Should Win: Claire danes-Homeland
Spoiler: Maggie Smith-Downton Abbey

Best Performance by a Comedy Ensemble
The Big Bang Theory
Modern Family
Nurse Jackie
The Office
30 Rock

SAG is terrible within the Comedy categories, and they pick the most boring repetitive nominees here.  The Office ? Nurse Jackie ? Glee? Pathetic!  Modern Family takes this in a cake walk.

Will and Should Win: Modern Family

Best Performance by an Male Actor in a Comedy Series
Alec Baldwin-30 Rock
Ty Burrell-Modern Family
Jim Parsons-The Big Bang Theory
Louis C.K.-Louie
Eric Stonestreet-Modern Family

Vegas odds would say go for Baldwin; he has literally never lost in this category at this award show.  Could 30 Rock sentimentality play out?  Honoring Baldwin one last time? Quite possibly.  I have predicted Louis C.K. to win, but people just do not want to reward him for his acting, seems like they are fine with honoring his writing.  Both Stonestreet and Burell win big at the Emmy Awards, btu that does not always translate.  Parsons is also a past Emmy winner.This is one of the harder categories on the television side.

Will Win: Eric Stonestreet-Modern Family
Should Win: Louis C.K.-Louie
Spoiler: Alec Baldwin-30 Rock

Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series
Edie Falco-Nurse Jackie
Tina Fey-30 Rock
Amy Poehler-Parks and Recreation
Sofia Vergara-Modern Family
Betty White-Hot in Cleveland

Betty White has won this award the last two years she has been nominated, the show has lost steam, and I forgot it was on to be honest, but older SAG voters seem to check her name like voting for McCain in Arizona.  White like Baldwin should never be counted out.  Will Vergara finally win something on her own? Maybe.  Fey's show is on the way out will she get sympathy?  Possibly.  Another tough category mainly because its boring.  Poehler should win in this group, but she has never won an acting trophy ever.

Will Win: Sofia Vergara-Modern Family
Should Win: Amy Poehler-Parks and Recreation
Spoiler: Betty White-Hot in Cleveland

Best Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Mini-Series
Kevin Costner-Hattfields & McCoys
Woody Harrelson-Game Change
Ed Harris-Game Change
Clive Owen-Hemingway and Gellhorn
Bill Paxton-Hattfields & McCoys

Costner vs. Harris, Costner has the edge.

Will Win: Kevin Costner-Hattfields & McCoys
Should Win: Woody Harrelson-Game Change

Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Mini-Series
Nicole Kidman-Hemingway and Gellhorn
Julianne Moore-Game Change
Charlotte Rampling-Restless
Sigourney Weaver-Political Animals
Alfre Woodard-Steel Magnolias

Easiest category to predict, Julianne Moore, moving on.

Will and Should Win: Julianne Moore

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