Thursday, January 10, 2013

Oscars go for Lincoln and Life of Pi while Snubbing Affleck and Bigelow

Today the Oscar nominations were announced with hilarious gusto by Emma Stone, and host Seth MacFarlene.  Before going on to the nominations, I must say that MacFarlene and Stone were the best announcers I have ever seen, and if this is any sign MacFarlene is going to be a great host, especially when you start with a Hitler joke.

Lincoln leads the nominations with 12, although Life of Pi is close behind with 11 nominations.  Both Lincoln and Life of Pi have performed the most consistently throughout this award season, and this includes in the most shocking category Best Director.  Spielberg, and Lee are the only two people who have consistently received nominations throughout the award season.  O. Russell has only been nominated by the Broadcast Film Critics, and nowhere else.  Haneke only had BAFTA, and Zeitlin appeared out of thing air, leaving the biggest snubs of the day Bigelow and Affleck in the dust.

Amour and Beasts of the Southern Wild are the biggest surprises and gainers of the day, Amour received 5 nominations, and is the first foreign language film to be nominated for Best Picture since Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.  This is the only "genre" film to be nominated this year.  Beasts had a lot of support as well, and managed to pull off 4 nominations including Picture, Director, Actress, and Best Adapted Screenplay.  After these two films shocking me I came down to Earth and realized Silver Linings Playbook received 7 nominations, and was the first film to have nominees in all four major categories since Warren Beatty's Red in 1981, 31 years ago.

Affleck missed out on a Director nomination for Argo, but the film itself scored 7 nominations, which is pretty impressive, although without Affleck the film looks weaker, and will not win Best Picture without a Director nomination.  Zero Dark Thirty was a heavy favorite with critics groups, but only managed to receive 5 nominations, and Bigelow was also snubbed, my guess is because of the torture issue.  Tom Hooper was nominated at the DGA just a few days ago, and his film received the magical 8 nominations (same as Dreamgirls), but no director nomination.  Django like Zero Dark had their director, Tarantino, left out in cold, and received 5 nominations.

In the acting categories the biggest snubs were John Hawkes for The Sessions, and Marion Cotillard who have consistently been nominated throughout the award show season.  While these folks missed out on the party the surprise inclusions were Joaquin Phoenix after his major gaffe, Jacki Weaver, she had no major precursor nomination, and Riva, and Wallis, although I predicted Wallis.  Emanuelle Riva is the oldest nominee ever, and Wallis is one of the youngest at 9.  One of the other fun things is that every nominee in Supporting Actor category is a past winner, this has never happened, and will mean someone adding a second trophy to their mantel.

Beyond Affleck and Bigelow's snubs this is a solid group of nominees, and I am proud they went for a small foreign language film and a movie about a young girl who lived in the bathtub.

Best Picture
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Django Unchained
Les Miserables
Life of Pi
Silver Linings Playbook
Zero Dark Thirty

Best Director
David O. Russell-Silver Linings Playbook
Ang Lee-Life of Pi
Steven Spielberg-Lincoln
Michael Haneke-Amour
Benh Zeitlin-Beasts of the Southern Wild

Best Actor
Daniel Day-Lewis-Lincoln
Denzel Washington-Flight
Bradley Cooper-Silver Linings Playbook
Hugh Jackman-Les Miserables
Joaquin Phoenix-The Master

Best Actress
Naomi Watts-The Impossible
Jessica Chastain-Zero Dark Thirty
Jennifer Lawrence-Silver Linings Playbook
Emanuelle Riva-Amour
Quvenzhane Wallis-Beasts of the Southern Wild

Best Supporting Actor
Christoph Waltz-Django Unchained
Phillip Seymour Hoffman-The Master
Robert DeNiro-Silver Linings Playbook
Alan Arkin-Argo
Tommy Lee Jones-Lincoln

Best Supporting Actress
Sally Field-Lincolm
Anne Hathaway-Les Miserables
Helen Hunt-The Sessions
Jacki Weaver-Silver Linings Playbook
Amy Adams-The Master

Best Adapted Screenplay
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Silver Linings Playbook
Life of Pi

Best Original Screenplay
Zero Dark Thirty
Django Unchained
Moonrise kingdom

Foreign Langauge Film
A Royal Affair
War Witch

Best Animated Feature
Pirates! Band of Misfits
Wreck-it Ralph

Best Cinematography
Anna Karenina
Django Unchained
Life of Pi

Best Costume Design
Anna Karenina
Les Miserables
Mirror Mirror
Snow White and the Huntsman

Best Documentary Feature
5 Broken Cameras
The Gatekeepers
How to Survive a Plague
The Invisible War
Searching for Sugar Man

Best Film Editing
Life of Pi
Silver Linings Playbook
Zero Dark Thirty

Makeup.Hair Styling
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Les Miserables

Best Original Score
Anna Karenina
Life of Pi

Best Original Song
"Before my Time" from Chasing Ice
"Pi's Lullaby"from Life of Pi
"Suddenly" from Les Miserable
"Everybody Needs a Best Friend" from Ted
"Skyfall"from Skyfall

Best Production Design
Anna Karenina
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Les Miserables
Life of Pi

Sound Editing
Django Unchained
Life of Pi
Zero Dark Thirty

Sound Mixing

Les Miserables
Life of Pi

Best Visual Effects
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Life of Pi
Marvel's: The Avengers
Snow White and the Huntsman

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