Monday, January 14, 2013

In a Murky Awards Season, Argo, Les Miserables, and Django Unchained with big at the Golden Globes. On the Television side Girls, and Homeland Dominate, while Hosts Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Hilariously Lead the Way

In the larger scheme of award show season the Golden Globes may not matter anymore, and they may just be or have always been a fun party.  In the grand scheme of award show history the Golden Globes always used to be the major pre-Oscar indicator.  Films, screenplays, actors who won here typically won at the Oscars.

In 1995 the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) came onto the scene and added even more intrigue into the award show season.  SAG's members are actors (clearly) whose member could be voting members of the Academy and became a better predictor of the Oscar than the Globes, or validated the nominations, and winners.

Then the critics stepped in stating they wanted a piece of the pie, and started televising the Broadcast Film Critics Awards (BFCA) along with this award show social media helped gain more awareness of winners for the critics group winners.

Suddenly everyone wanted a piece of the pie and the Oscars became a stale leftover.  Last night the Globes proved the award season is has changed.  The three films who won the most trophies at the Globes (in the film world) were Les Miserables with three on the comedy/musical side, while Argo and Django Unchained went home with 2 each toppling the 7 time nominated Lincoln.  Both Argo and Django Unchained are on the lower end of the nomination totals this year.  Argo 7 nominations, missing out on Best Director, and Django Unchained has 5 nominations, also missing out on Best Director.  Les Miserbles has eight Academy award nominations, but not directing nomination as well,.  The day the Academy Award nominations were announced these three films were written off as major contenders, but does their winning change things?  Maybe, but probably not.

On the film side the Globes have proven to be somewhat irrelevant on the Best Picture side.  Looking back on the last few years only a handful of films have won at the Globes (in a Best Picture category),Chicago, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Slumdog Millionaire, and The Artist.  If you look at the Oscar statistics, and who has the best shot of winning, its the films that only took home one award, Lincoln, Silver Linings Playbook, and Life of Pi, in that order.  So are the wins irrelevant? Yes and no.  I would never want to take away the joy of someone winning an award for their accomplishment, but this award season has changed.

The Globe ballots for voting members were due before the Oscar nominations came out, Beasts of the Southern Wild and Amour are much bigger players at the Oscars, the Director's Guild Award nominations came out after Oscar ballots were due.  The Oscars being moved up and shifting the entire calendar messed with things more than ever, and they did this in order to reclaim the title as the most prestigious award show, who says whose the best, forget those silly Globes.  The problem is they are going to face a lot of backlash after this year especially with the snub heard round the world of Ben Affleck.

While the Globes may not "matter" they certainly proved something they have their own mind, and they don't care about the Academy.  The Oscars are going to face could lose a lot of people if they and other award shows do not move back to their proper time, and place.  The Oscar remain the most coveted prize in the film world, but Affleck's snub like Christopher Nolan's will sting them.  Argo could still win Best Picture, but it would be the first film to win without a director since 1989's Driving Miss Daisy, and the second ever in Academy history.  This is one of the most fascinating years with Best Picture/Best Director, and only time and the other guilds will tell, on to the actual show.

Hosts Amy Poehler and Tiny Fey were delightful from the great James Cameron zinger to Fey clutching Jennifer Lopez and Poehler casually chatting with Clooney during the Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical announcement.  These two were better than Gervais because they were not only biting in their jokes, but charming, and fit into pieces of the ceremony letting the award show happen.

Beyond the hosts, and the awards a few other highlights were real life folks presenting the Best Film nominee clips. Bill Clinton giving the Presidential seal to Lincoln, and Tony Mendez presenting Argo. Kristin Wiig and Will Ferrell were the best presenters of the night, their SNL schtick of making fun of presenters was great!

The Cecille B. DeMille Award is usually when I doze off a little, but Jodie Foster changed that!Foster gave an electrifying speech, which I just re-watched because I was a bit buzzed while watching; she was heartfelt and more real than any celebrity can be in Hollywood.  Foster does take as much work these days, but this speech proved her greatness.

In regard to the winners, I have my Golden Globe television predictions down to a science only missing one category Lead Actor in a Comedy or Musical, I should have known the Globes would whore it out for the bigger celebrity on the newest show, Don Cheedle in House of Lies.  Girls, Homeland and Game Change dominated this side of the awards, and the Globes picked right here, these were the best of their nominees.

There is not much more to say about the television aspect of the Globes, I will say on the film side Lincoln winning only one of seven is a bit surprising, but who thought Daniel Day-Lewis would lose?  Best Actress is now all about Chastain vs. Lawrence, whoever wins at the Globes will take the lead in the race, but enter Emanuelle Riva.  Riva is a threat, and proves that you can't bank on these other award shows to help you with Oscar betting.  The same can be said about Christoph Waltz winning for Django Unchained.  I switched to Waltz at the last hour, and was right, but he is not nominated at SAG, will that matter?  The award season has changed, but it could be for the better because I have never felt this much anticipation in 4 major categories.  Overall this was a fun night, and one of the best Globes in recent memory.

Here is the full list of winners:

Best Picture: Argo
Best Director: Ben Affleck, Argo
Best Actress: Jessica Chastain, Zero Dark Thirty
Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln
Best Picture, Musical/Comedy: Les Miserables
Best Foreign Language Film: Amour, Michael Haneke
Best Actress Comedy: Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings Playbook
best Actor Musical: Hugh Jackman, Les Miserables
Best Supporting Actress: Anne Hathaway, Les Miserables
Best Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz, Django Unchained
Best Screenplay: Quentin Tarantino, Django Unchained
Best Original Score: Mychael Danna, Life of Pi
Best Song: Adele, Skyfall
Best Animated Feature: Brave

Best TV Comedy: Girls
Best TV Drama: Homeland
Best Actress TV Drama: Claire Danes, Homeland
Best Actor TV Drama: Damian Lewis, Homeland
Best Actress TV Comedy: Lena Dunham, Girls
Best Actor TV Comedy: Don Cheadle, House of Lies
Best Actor: Miniseries: Kevin Costner, Hatfields & McCoys
Best Actress Miniseries: Julianne Moore, Game Change
Best Supporting Actress Miniseries: Maggie Smith, Downton Abbey
Supporting Actor Miniseries: Ed Harris, Game Change
Best Miniseries: Game Change

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