Sunday, December 9, 2012

Boston Society of Film Critics Pick Zero Dark Thirty, Day Lewis, and Riva

The Boston Film Critics have continued the trend, which shows favor to the films Zero Dark Thirty (taking home Best Film, Best Director, and Best Editing) and Lincoln (taking home Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Screenplay).

A couple of films became a little bit more popular with this critics group, and they were Moonrise Kingdom, Amour, and Perks of Being a Wallflower.  I think of these three films all have potential to do well, or at least score a couple of nominations with the Academy.  I was pleasantly surprised to see Ezra Miller win; he was terrific in this film.  I hope the Academy does not forget the wide array of talent in film.

Best Film: Zero Dark Thirty
(tied for 2nd: Moonrise Kingdom and Amour)
Best Director: Kathryn Bigelow, Zero Dark Thirty
(2nd: Paul Thomas Anderson, The Master)
Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln
(2nd: Denis Lavant, Holy Motors)
Best Actress: Emmanuelle Riva , Amour
(2nd: Deanie Yip, A Simple Life)
Best Supporting Actress: Sally Field, Lincoln
(2nd: Emma Watson, Perks of Being a Wallflower)
Best Supporting Actor: Ezra Miller, Perks of Being a Wallflower
(2nd: Christof Waltz, Django Unchained)
Best Screenplay: Tony Kushner,Lincoln
(2nd: Wes Anderson, Moonrise Kingdom)
Best Cinematography: Mihai Malaimare Jr, The Master
(tied for 2nd: Moonrise Kingdon, Life of Pi)
Best Editing: William Goldenberg, Dylan Tichenor, Zero Dark Thirty
(2nd: Argo)
Best Use of Music: Moonrise Kingdom
(2nd: Django Unchained)
Best New Filmmaker: David France, How to Survive a Plague
(2nd: Benh Zeitlin for Beasts of the Southern Wild)
Best Documentary: How to Survive a Plague
(2nd: Queen of Versailles)
Best Animated: Frankenweenie
(2nd: ParaNorman)
Best Foreign Language Film: Amour
(2nd: Holy Motors)

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