Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Things Kevin is Thankful For in Movies, Music, and TV 2012

As today is officially thanksgiving, here is the list of things in movies, music, and television that I am thankful for:


One of the best year's for action films (with brains and braun) The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, Looper, and Skyfall

-The summer started with a Hulk smash. When Joss Whedon, one of the ultimate comic book fan boys, was picked to direct The Avengers I was as giddy as a school girl.  There is always a little fear that your dream film will not be made, but Joss did a fantastic job, and set the ball rolling.

-Up next was The Dark Knight Rises.  While the film did not hit the same mark as The Dark Knight, the conclusion to the trilogy was brilliantly executed, and Nolan should be pleased as punch (although he will not get an Oscar nomination.

-Rian Johnson's Looper had one of the best original screenplays of the year.  The trailer for this film made me nervous, but with good word of mouth I had to check out this film.  To my surprise this was one of the best films I have seen this year.

Last but not least was the third installment in ever changing James bond franchise.  While some will gripe that the film steers away from the traditional Bond mentality, I argue that film does the impossible, diverting from the traditional while maintaining and establishing the Bond lore.

Ben Affleck (director/actor/writer, extraordinaire) Argo

Is this the the same guy Family Guy made fun of about writing the Good Will Hunting screenplay?  Argo was not only a smart film, but one of the most entertaining of the year.  This was one perfect blend of thriller/humor/drama, something almost impossible to do, but this film achieves the goal.

The Year of the Men (isn't that every year?) Bradley Cooper, Daniel Day Lewis, John Hawkes, Joaquin Phoenix, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and Denzel Washington

I am not going to highlight the brilliance about each of these performances, but these men have proven themselves this year, and are going to be part of the most competitive Best Actor line-up at the Oscars since I have been alive.  Last year was seen as the year of the women, but this year the men have strong armed things, but with these performances, I will allow them their day!


Before I write my list I have to state that I am disappointed in most of the music that was released within the 2012 calendar year, most of the albums I liked were released at the end of 2012, so this list is going to be rather short.

Frank Ocean-Channel Orange-He's been Thinking bout Me!

One of the most beautiful, and powerful albums to be released in 2012.  While most of the news about this artist centered around his sexual orientation, the album and music within it transcend this story, and have proven to be one of the strongest albums of the year.


Chevy Chase is Gone from Community, and October 19th aka January Return!
Today the story went on to state that Chase would not show up in most of the last episodes, and while I am sad the show is going off the air, I am done with this old man's crank attitude.  With that said I am beyond excited the show's return date was set, but this also makes me sad because the show is closer to the end than the beginning.

Oliver Queen's Green Arrow

Stephen Tramell is not only one badass, but he is probably sexier than Tom Welling's Superman, inhabiting a Bruce Wayne like playboy role.  The show is one of my favorite new series on the air.

Mindy Kailing belief is Rom Com's

Every week tuning in and watching Mindy Kailing on The Mindy Project helps me to believe that I am not a crazy single, but like her someone who believes in happy endings.

Boys II Menorah 

Speaking of Happy Endings, can I hire Max and Brad to amp up my Bar Mitzvah, I can go back and be 16 again for this, correct?

ABC soaptastic line-up-Once Upon a Time, Revenge,  and Scandal

I have been told I am missing out on Nashville, but for now I will stick with wonderfully magical fairytale world, the coniving world of Emily Thorn, and the wickedly clever/smart Olivia Pope.

HBO girl's Lena Dunham and Julia Louis Dreyfuss

How could you not be thankful for two of the funniest women on television.  HBO has really only had Sex and the City with strong female comedic leads, but these two shows have proven they need to do more of that.  These two women star in two of the best shows of the year, and they are great!

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