Saturday, June 30, 2012

July Movies to See and Movies to Skip!

This past June was filled with a lot of highly anticipated yet disappointing films.  The month opened with Snow White and the Huntsman, which I was excited to see, but the film fell flat mainly because of a poor script and K Stew.  A week later Prometheus engaged more of the Alien world, and while it was a step up from Snow White the film used too much exposition.  I enjoyed it though.   The third week of June fell even flatter with Adam Sandler having his lowest opening in years, and a rock musical that fell sharp.  Brave gave a shot of excitement adding a strong female lead to the Pixar repertoire, while most people decided not to find out about Abraham Lincoln's life as a Vampire Hunter.  June's most exciting weekend was the last weekend with two R rated films topping the the box office.  I have seen Magic Mike, and I do not care what the critics say, this was a bad movie, they must have went in with incredibly low expectations.  Ted and Moonrise Kingdom are on my list for this hot summer week.

Now in July the two main films to see involved spiders and bats, both are part of reboots of popular series, while one is beginning the reboot the other closes out the final chapter in a series.  There is also a crappy comedy with Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller to dread, and another Oliver Stone flick that looks poorly acted (my how the mighty have fallen.)  This month has far fewer releases than June mainly because of Spiderman and Batman fighting crime.

July 6th 
The Amazing Spiderman (July 3rd)

I have heard a lot of debate about this Spiderman reboot.  I think it looks like a winner, the director did 500 Days of Summer, Peter Parker is played by the more capable Andrew Garfield, and they are starting with Peter's romance with his first girlfriend Gwen Stacey, played by the amazing Emma Stone.  I am there.  Then there is the film Savages.  I have seen previews for this film for months, and they can't pay me to see this ill contrived film.

July 13th 
Ice Age: Continental Drift

This is the fourth film in the series, and unlike Madagascar 3 they do not have the great advertising.  I have not see one preview for this film, which means it could be a giant flop.  Once these animated films get so far in the series isn't it time to call it quits, and come up with something new?

July 20th 
The Dark Knight Rises

I do not even know if I have to sell this film, but I am beyond excited, and with them changing Bane's voice so I can understand him that makes it even better.  Sad to see this series end, but excited to watch the final chapter.

July 27th
The Watch 
Step Up Revolution

I will say it until I am blue in the face, Ben Stiller is not funny.  The Watch looks contrived, and looks like upstart Jonah Hill is a scene stealer again.  Did there need to be a fourth Step Up film?  I guess as long as So You Think You Can Exists they will have cheap actors for these films.

In a month with a limited amount of releases....

See: The Amazing Spiderman, and The Dark Knight Rises (and catch up on Beasts of the Southern Wild and Ted)
Skip: Savages, Ice Age, The Watch, and Step Up Revolution

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