Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Movies to See and to Skip!

This is the start of "Summer"movie season begins with a bang this Friday.  Every year the Summer season has a different start date, or appear to have a different start.  Last Summer Fast Five was the first major film to launch the season.  In the past Summer was regulated to the months of June, July, and August.  To increase profits and get rid of some of the competition film companies decided to move up the season to early May.  This started in the early 2000s, and The Avengers is born.

May 4th 
The Avengers 
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

The Avengers looks fantastic!  With man reviews in, it looks like it will be entertaining, and worth the wait.  The build up to this film has been brilliantly constructed, and the anticipation has almost been too much.  This is a must see summer blockbuster.  I have also been looking forward to The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel since last December.  The previews for this film were out there and this will surely be a crowd pleaser for those who don't like the explosions offered in The Avengers.

May 11th 
Dark Shadows

I am torn on Dark Shadows.  Lately Tim Burton's work has been incredibly hit or miss with more style over substance.  The cast is solid and Burton is bringing together some of his best main stays including Johnny Depp, Michelle Pfeiffer, and his lady love Helena Bonham Carter.  I think I am going to skip it, and may just see something else.

May 18th 
What to Expect When You're Expecting
The Dictator

To be honest all three of these movies look awful.  Battleship looks the worst, and that is saying something in the mix of all of these films.  Expecting has been trying to market to men with their preview, but don't be fooled guys this is New Year's Eve and Valentine's Day with babies.  Sascha Baron Cohen is placating to the lowest common denominator again.  The first time I saw the preview I thought this looked somewhat funny, and as they have showed the preview more and more I lost interest.  The combination of these films looks to be the worse of the summer.

May 25th 
Men in Black III
Moonrise Kingdom

Men in Black II ruined the unique qualities of the original, but the first one made money so of course Will Smith had to make a sequel like he does with all of his other films.  After a bland sequel was there a need for a third?  Smith has not released a movie in 4 years, it's depressing that it's this one.  While it could surprise I doubt it.  Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom looks like a typical Wes Anderson film and with Bill Murray attached, this looks like the dark comedy I need to start the summer right.

See: The Avengers, The Best Exotic marigold Hotel, Moonrise Kingdom
Skip: Battleship,What to Expect When You're Expecting, The Dictator, Men in Black III

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