Wednesday, February 29, 2012

March Must See Movies and Movies to Skip

As the post Academy Award drought begins March has many promising films that could be entertaining.  During the months of January and February I looked forward to catching up on smaller films, and begrudgingly suffering through films like The Woman in Black with friends.  I can honestly say there are some decent prospects this month.

March 2nd
The Lorax
Project X
Being Flynn

The most promising release for this week is The Lorax, which is from the creators of Despicable Me.  This Dr. Seuss tale will be a big hit at the box office drawing in drones of families, but will it be worth your time?  I am not excited by this film, but I do think it could be solid.  X looks like its trying to hard to a teenage rip off of The Hangover.  With poor marketing this film will do poorly and sink slowly.  Being Flynn is another DeNiro vehicle that seems to have being angry and yelling.  While the preview is not bad this looks to be a waste of everyone's time.

March 9th
John Carter
Salmon Fishing in Yemen
Friends with Kids
A Thousand Words
Silent House

John Carter always seems to have people baffled while watching the preview.  Everyone I know asks who is John Carter, and not with intrigue, more with a sense of who cares.  I predict this film to be a mess and a box office flop.  I saw Salmon Fishing and I liked the film, I did not love it.  I think this will hit a small population, the film is charming but will not draw large crowds-worth seeing.  Friends with Kids looks hilarious, more like a sitcom, but but worth watching on the big screen.  Eddie Murphy's latest film looks like a waste of time and money.  Silent House looks like the thing thrillers are meant to be made of and Elizabeth Olsen is a great find!

March 16th 
21 Jump Street
Casa de Mi Padre

If you do mind movies that are both stupid and funny go see 21 Jump Street, it was pretty hilarious.  Casa looks like another Will Ferrell movie I will try and avoid, while I do not hate him I think his schtick is getting tired the same way it has done with Adam Sandler.  Time to grow up and find a new modus operandi. 

March 23rd
The Hunger Games

No one wanted to compete with the film that outsold Twilight.  I read the first book, and liked it.  I think the film looks solid, and it has a great cast and great director.  I do not want it become the next Twilight where it was rushed to the big screen to make money.  Even though Twilight was always going to be a terrible film series.

March 30th 
Wrath of the Titans
Mirror Mirror

Was a sequel needed for Clash of the Titans?  I do not remember the first film being that successful.  The sequel looks awful.  Mirror Mirror looks campy, and not in a good way, what happened Julia?  I have to put Bully on this, this is a documentary about a young boy who was bullied, not because of his orientation, but because he was different and highlight his parents crusade to help others.  This looks fantastic.

Must See Movies: Bully, The Hunger Games, The Lorax, 21 Jump Street,  Silent House
Movies to Skip:A Thousand Words, Wrath of the Titans, Mirror Mirror, John Carter, Project X

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