Sunday, November 6, 2011

Travels with Kevin Part 3: New York City Nightlife...Seems Like Old Times

Manhattan Skyline Picture
I needed a weekend away from Boston.  I was in New York City/Long Island area for my friends wedding back in September, but miss out on going throughout the whole month of October.  I miss being in Manhattan.  When I come to the Manhattan I glow with radiance, this place just makes me happy.  I did not stay with any of my friends that live in Manhattan.  I stayed with a friend who lives in New Jersey; he graciously offered to host me.  There are probably two questions that come to your mind right now, maybe not, but I will pose them.  

Question 1: Why did I stay in New Jersey and not in Manhattan?  The answer is somewhat simple.  I stayed with my friend Dominic who lives Hoboken.  I wanted to catch up with and spend time with Dominic, this posed the best opportunity for me to spend time with him.  Dominic’s apartment is right by the Path, and getting into Manhattan can take as little as 6 minutes.

Question 2: Why not write about New Jersey? Sorry New Jersey, but this is my only section where I will insult you.  Who wants to write about Hoboken?  Not me.  I also was inspired by day and night time activities in Manhattan.

On Friday night I went out with Dominic and went to one of the new gay bars in Manhattan called Flaming Saddles.  One of my favorite things about this place is that new places are always popping up, especially bars and restaurants.  Places like Flaming Saddles fill a void in specific niche.  Flaming Saddles is a gay bar a la Coyote Ugly.  I will not be talking about the film Coyote Ugly.  After Flaming Saddles I went to G Lounge with my friends and we ended up at a diner to close the night.

After a long night out, I woke up early to meet my friend Keith to do the lottery and student rush for Broadway.  Keith and I were planning on trying to either see Priscilla Queen of the Dessert, Anything Goes, or Follies.  We lost the lottery for Priscilla, Sutton Foster was not going to be in the matinee for Anything Goes, so we ended up seeing Bernadette Peters in Follies.  Follies was an interesting show, the performances kept my interest. We stuck around Hell’s Kitchen after, and grabbed drinks for happy hour at Posh.  After Posh we grabbed food at Lime Jungle. The people who own this restaurant own one of my favorite places in the city, Empanada Mama’s.  I got my usual Sangria and some empenadas.

The night continued with Keith, my friend Monica, and Dominic and his friends at Gym Bar.   At Gym Bar I ran into the boy that made me sure of my sexuality, whether he knows this or not…well he does now.  His name is Derek.  I met Derek in my sophomore year of college, and he was the first boy I liked/ had a crush on.  Derek and I never dated, but we remained good friends throughout my years in college.  Seeing Derek transported me back to my college days.  This was on of those moments where you see someone from your past and you are genuinely happy about it.  The night ended great, and I was able to escape the world of Boston.

Seems Like Old Times - 11 x 14 Movie Poster - Style A
When I woke up this morning I thought about the film Seems Like Old Times (1980), not just because of
 Derek, but because going to Manhattan seeing old friends, and doing familiar things.  Now, I have to admit this is a rather silly 1980s comedy, but when I was growing up I loved this movie.  The films actual premise has little to do with anything that happened in Manhattan, but the films message is timeless.  The film stars Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase, and Charles Grodin.  Hawn’s character Glenda is married to Ira (Grodin), but everywhere Glenda turns she encounters her ex-husband Nick (Chase).  Glenda tries to fight off feelings for Nick throughout the whole film, she’s been remarried and has a new life.  This husband is trying to make up for something she loves, but at the time it was not right.

This is how I feel about my current living situation.  I love New York, and I feel like living in Boston is just a passing ship in the night.  Seeing my old friends, and doing things that were my old routine felt amazing.  I remember how much I miss this city, and how much it feels like home. I love Manhattan.  There is something about going back, seeing great people, eating great food, and being in a place that truly makes a person happy.  In time I will be back, and I will get to share in the joy that is not repetition, but sense of comfort.


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