Friday, April 20, 2012

Breakthrough Performer of April: Lena Dunham

Get on the train folks this is one of Hollywood's new "It" girls, and not only is she an "It" girl but she created, directed, wrote and starred in the new television series Girls on HBO.  This show has gotten a lot of attention from all areas.  Many television critics have applauded this show for starkly contrasting the perception of being a young woman in her 20s. Lena Dunham is at the center of this on all levels, and boy is she talented.

While I was on lunch today my TiVo suggested I watched The View, don't laugh.  I fast forwarded to an interview with three of the stars from the show Girls, including Dunham.  The ladies on the gabfest were swooning over Dunham and talking about how wonderful she is, how talented, and what a great piece of work for someone at such a young age,  Dunham is 25.  They also talked about the depressing realistic subject matter.  In my opinion this is what makes her the standout performer of this month.  Dunham represents one singular voice within the female population speaking out about the difficulties women face as the grow up and fight through the things expected of them, and what they have to assume people expect.

While I have only seen her act in the first episode of this show, there is one thing that's clear; she has great chops and comedic timing based around her wit is on point.  Dunham has plans to move to her characters development in places other shows are afraid to go, and I think he frank/honest portrayal sets her a part from other working actresses.

Not only does Dunham have this show but team work with Judd Apatow (who produces Girls) has cast her in his newest film which is being released this Summer called This is 40.  This film follows Debbie (Leslie Mann) and Pete (Paul Rudd) from the film Knocked Up. Dunham also has supporting role in the film ironically titled Supporting Characters.  While her name still may be flying under the radar Dunham will surely be someone we will all be talking about a year from now.

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